We, the church family of Eternity Baptist Church stand with God on current issues. We believe the Bible is true, without error and is still God’s instructional manual for today. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The person who says they have no sin is a liar. Judgment of others whose lifestyles are different than ours is not what we seek. Biblical restoration with the person turning from their sin and to God is what we seek. It is God’s place to judge. Our job is to tell you what God says about sin and that God provided forgiveness and a way back to God through the gift of His son Jesus who died on the cross for sin in our place.
Our job is to love you. But, to be right with God, a person must be born again, that is to ask Jesus into their life and repent from their sins. The word repent means to turn around from the path you are on and go in a way that is pleasing to God. We invite you to attend if you are gay, living together, an adulterer, an alcoholic or drug addict, a gossip, a slanderer, or in any sinful lifestyle. The church is a hospital for sin sick people. You will not be allowed to be a member while living in an openly sinful lifestyle. People living unrepentant in such lifestyles will not enter Heaven. 
We, the family of Eternity believe that it would be an unbiblical and unloving thing to allow a person to enjoy church membership and give them a feeling of belonging in God’s family when God speaks against such lifestyles.  If we as believers fail to warn those around us of God’s judgment to come, then we will be held accountable. We must obey God rather than man. You may be thinking, “Christians sin too.”  This is true. We stumble and at times we fall but we do not celebrate sin or sinful lifestyles. We realize our sin is against a holy God and is serious. We have forgiveness in Jesus. The problem today is that many sinful lifestyles are celebrated. To accept sin as a way of life is wrong. Sin always separates us from God. God is holy. We can only come to him by repentance and faith in His son Jesus.
We do not perform gay wedding ceremonies or allow our facility to be used for gay weddings. We love gay people but allowing a gay wedding would be condoning an unbiblical lifestyle that God will judge.
     In Genesis 1:27, we see that God created male and female. He created the female as a suitable mate for the male. We see this again in Genesis 2:18-25. In Genesis 8:15-17, God tells the male and female to be fruitful and multiply. This family theme of a male and female is repeated in the New Testament in Matthew 19:4 and Mark 10:6. The Bible is clear that the gay lifestyle is sinful and not God’s plan. Romans 1:26-27 refers to men with men and women with women as “leaving their natural function.” 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 tells us that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. 1st Timothy 1:9-10 refers to sodomites. The Greek translation here is “arsenokoitas” meaning men who sleep with men. Deuteronomy  23:17,18 states no whore or sodomite can make a vow in the house of God. Leviticus 18:22 strictly forbids a man laying with a man as with a woman. Men laying with men is called an abomination.
Gay marriage is accepted and even encouraged as a choice in our country.  The fact that gay unions are celebrated makes this sin different from many other sins. If we began to discuss stealing, lying, cheating, adultery, drug addiction, slandering, etc., most of us would agree it is wrong. Few people would defend sins such as these.  Yet, homosexuality is condemned in God’s word the same as these other sins. What God has called sinful, we cannot bless. We love you, the sinner, but must warn you of what God’s word says on such matters. It would be inconsistent and unloving to promote a lifestyle that keeps a person from a relationship with God. Again, we must obey God rather than man.
If you are in a “living together” relationship, meaning that you are in a sexual relationship outside the confines of marriage, then we invite to come as well. You are welcomed to attend but may not become a member until you turn away from this sinful lifestyle and marry or end the relationship.
     God calls sex outside of marriage, “fornication.” 1st Corinthians 6:18-20 says to “flee fornication.” We see in 1st Corinthians 7:1-2 that every man should have a wife.  1st Thessalonians 5:22-23 tells us to avoid the very appearance of evil. 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10 tells us that fornicators will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We, the family of Eternity Baptist Church cannot bless what God forbids. God will hold all sinners accountable for their sins. The only way to be pleasing to God is to turn from sin and to God’s son Jesus. A person cannot be pleasing to God in any other way.
When people confessing Christ choose to “live together,” it hinders others from coming to Christ because they are breaking God’s laws. Their witness is compromised. “Living Together” shows a lack of trust in God and a failure to commit. As a Christian, our goal is to help people know God. Children of such unions cannot easily grow up to follow God when they see their parents breaking God’s laws. A Christian couple is called is to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
In 1st Corinthians 5:1, we see where a fornicator is put out of the church to cause him to think about his actions. This act of church discipline also serves as an reminder to others to avoid sin and it’s consequences. This same man is restored back into the fellowship of the church in 2nd Corinthians when he repents and begins to live as God wants him to. The goal of church discipline is to restore the believer to a right relationship with God and other believers. In Hebrews 13:4, it states that the marriage bed is undefiled. God’s plan is for one man and one woman to enjoy a sexual relationship only within the confines of marriage.
We will not use the term fetus. Fetus is a modern term to try to differentiate a viable time that a baby becomes a person. We believe life begins at the very moment of conception. 18 days after conception, a baby has a heart that is beating. At 6 weeks, the brain has brain waves. At 9 weeks, a baby feels pain. At 11 weeks, a baby breathes fluids, swallows, digests, sleeps, dreams, wakes, tastes, and hears.
    Abortion is an act of murder. It stops a life. Life is a gift from God. Jeremiah 1:5 talks about God knowing Jeremiah before God formed him in the womb. Job 31:15 tells us how God forms babies in the womb. Psalm 139:13-14 speaks of us being knit together by God in our Mother’s womb. In Lamentations, God admonishes his people for not taking care of their young. Proverbs 6: 16-17 tells us how God hates the shedding of innocent blood. Abortion devalues human life and destroys a work of God. We, the family of Eternity Baptist Church believe in the sanctity of life. 
If you have suffered the pain of  an abortion, God loves you and will forgive you.  God can heal and restore.
No matter what sins you have committed or what mistakes you have made, God loves you and offers you forgiveness through His son Jesus. He will forgive your sin and make you a new creation. Please see our “How to become a believer” page. No one here desires to judge you, but to see you in a right relationship with God. We will be cheering for you on your new journey with Christ. It is our desire that you have a vital relationship with God. Jesus is coming and we want you to be ready.







Contact Information

500 W McCord Street
Centralia, IL 62801

Phone: 618-532-9596